This statement identifies the commitment of the University of 1024ºË¹¤³§ to provide and maintain a working environment and systems of work that are, so far as is reasonably practicable, safe for employees, students, visitors and other persons affected by the University’s undertaking and sets out the commitment to providing effective leadership and management of health, safety and wellbeing.
Health, Safety and Wellbeing is the responsibility of everyone and any individual carrying out work on behalf of or in connection with the University. It is an integral and important part of everyone’s duties. The University’s commitment to Health, Safety and Wellbeing is equal to all other values, aims and objectives and considers a good health and safety culture together with a secure environment to work and learn in, fundamental to its success.
The University recognises and accepts that it is responsible for complying with Health and Safety legislation and ensuring the Health, Safety and Wellbeing of its employees and others who may be affected by its business. Through information, instruction and training, the University seeks to provide and maintain effective management by implementation of appropriate and necessary health and safety arrangements and commits to providing;
Roles, responsibilities and accountabilities for all staff, at all levels within the University which are clearly defined and understood in order to secure corporate and individual compliance with relevant legislation.
A positive Health and Safety culture and a Health and Safety management system.
The identification of all significant risks that may arise through the activities, assessing these ensuring suitable and sufficient measures are in place to eliminate, minimize or manage the risks to employees, students and others.
Systems of work, plant and equipment that are safe and without risks to health including arrangements for the use, handling, storage and transport of substances and articles.
Information, instruction, training and supervision that is necessary to ensure adequate Health and Safety at work.
Measures to prevent and manage risks to employee wellbeing including monitoring workloads, together with appropriate training and support, seek to foster a mentally healthy culture.
Processes to monitor workloads through suitable measures to ensure wellbeing of staff.
A working environment that is made safe and without risks to health and safety together with adequate arrangements for welfare at work including access and egress.
Adequate resources for ensuring health, safety and wellbeing is effectively managed and implemented.
Processes for monitoring and reviewing the suitability and effectiveness of the University’s health, safety and wellbeing arrangements to ensure they are adequate.
The University will ensure that all employees and students are fully aware of their legal obligations to take reasonable care for their own Health, Safety and Wellbeing and that of any persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work and on campus. Whilst the University accepts full responsibility for ownership of Health, Safety and Wellbeing, all employees and students have a personal and social responsibility to ensure a proactive approach to Health, Safety and Wellbeing that impact the University.
The Board of Governors have identified a lead Director with specific responsibility for Health, Safety and Welfare and competent Health and Safety advice as required by legislation and to whom reference should be made in the event of any difficulties in the implementation of Health, Safety and Wellbeing arrangements.
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