Male student giving presentation in the School of Mathematics and Physics

School of Mathematics and Physics

Learn more about the teaching and research activities taking place within our School of Mathematics and Physics

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The School of Mathematics and Physics challenges the way we think about and use numbers. We're driven to solve technological, environmental and societal problems through our research and teaching.

From pure, applied and industrial mathematics to quantum theory and particle physics, our school has many study and research pathways. Our collaborative and nurturing approach to teaching helps our students learn in an open environment, allowing them to challenge themselves and others.

We have a proven track record in giving students the tools to succeed in employment — 94% of our students are in work or further study within 15 months of graduating (HESA Graduate Outcomes Survey conducted in 2021/22).

Gender equality commitment

We hold the Athena Swan bronze award for gender equality and are passionate about promoting equality of opportunity and career development for women and under-represented communities in mathematics and physics.

As a supporter of the Institute of Physics Project Juno, we're committed to addressing the under-representation of women in physics and gender equality in higher education and research.

We also support the London Mathematical Society Good Practice Scheme which advocates equal opportunities for women.


Lectures and classes take place at sites across our city centre campus where our students can also access open and shared learning spaces and IT resources for group work, study or revision.

Final year mathematics students can elect to undertake a 10 week placement in a local school as part of our undergraduate ambassador scheme. Students benefit from work experience in an educational setting as well as the opportunity to work with experienced maths teachers in classes from Key Stage 2 to A Level.

Explore our undergraduate and postgraduate degree courses.


Our research spans Physics and the Mathematical Sciences. Our physicists are working to advance knowledge and unlock advanced technology. From researching new information processing and quantum computing, to exploring new materials, we're using our expertise in Physics to power the future, improve industry, security, defence and the environment.

Our mathematical work in Applied Mathematics and Logistics, Operational Research and Analytics produces theoretical advances, right through to applications and impact. We collaborate with academic institutions, public sector bodies, and industry, to solve problems in sectors including the environment and sustainability, renewable energy generation and storage, transportation, and health.

In the Research Excellence Framework 2021:

  • 100% of our research in Physics and 95% of the research in Mathematical Sciences was judged to be internationally excellent or world-leading.
  • 100% of the impact in both Physics and Mathematical Sciences was rated as having very considerable or outstanding reach and significance.
  • 100% of the research environment in both Physics and Mathematical Sciences was judged as having the vitality and sustainability to produce internationally excellent or world-leading research and very considerable or outstanding impact.
  • We were ranked top among modern UK universities for both Mathematics and Physics, and .


We've received research funding from many organisations, including the Science and Technology Facilities Council, The Faraday Institution, Innovate UK, Economic and Social Research Council, London Mathematical Society, Royal Society, European Commission, Rail Safety Standards Board, Leverhulme Trust, Defence Science and Technology Laboratory, National Institute for Health Research, Technology Strategy Board, Operational Research Society, Natural Environment Research Council and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council.


Our school has developed strong partnerships with local, national and global organisations. These partnerships inform and support our teaching and research.

Our partners include 1024ºË¹¤³§ Hospitals Medical Physics, Defence Science (Dstl), IBM, L'Oréal, GSK, Transport for London, iRed, South East Physics Network (SEPnet), European Council for Nuclear Research (CERN), J&J, Phillips and General Motors.

Our areas of expertise

Explore our areas of expertise across Mathematics and Physics research.

Industrial Mathematics

We're delivering insight into roles of different physical mechanisms within a process to develop practical solutions and guidance in science and industry. Explore our industrial mathematics research.

solar panel farm on the outskirts of large modern city
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Applied Mathematics, Nonlinear and Complex Systems

We're studying how complexity and order arise from the simple underlying rules of physics. Explore our applied mathematics nonlinear and complex systems research.


Romanesque broccoli macro
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Quantum information and sensing technologies

We're conducting research into new quantum technologies, including applications for high-precision measurements, computing, and secure communication.

Male BAME scientist studying the Zeeman effect
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Quantum optics and quantum foundations

Our work in this area is studying the particle-like properties of photons, and wave-like behaviour of massive objects, such as electrons and atoms.


Glass tubes with quantum dots of perovskite nanocrystals, luminescing with all colors of the rainbow under ultraviolet radiation.
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Condensed Matter Physics

We're looking for solutions to issues around energy harvesting, efficiency and storage, medical technologies, security, and the environment. Explore our condensed matter physics research.

Close up of Molecular Beam Epitaxy system
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Operational Research and Logistics

We're researching how we can apply quantitative methodologies to improve decision-making across a range of diverse fields of application.

Large ship at industrial port, loading containers
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Our research centres

Much of our exceptional research takes place within the following cross-disciplinary research centres – find out more below.

Applied Physics Research Group

We're exploring research in quantum information technologies, quantum optics and quantum foundations and applied advanced materials.

Centre for Operational Research and Logistics

We're using our expertise in analytics, system design, simulation, programming, and forecasting to help organisations around the world make better decisions.

Industrial Mathematics Research Group

We're researching how mathematics can be applied in an industrial context, currently focussing on energy generation and storage.

Logistics Operational Research and Analytics Group

We're researching how we can apply quantitative methodologies to improve decision-making across a range of diverse fields of application.

Nonlinear and Complex Systems Research Group

We're researching how such complexity and order arises from the simple rules and laws of physics.

Quantum Science and Technology Hub

In our Quantum Science and Technology Hub (QSTH), we're studying quantum science and developing novel quantum technologies.

Our staff

Our School of Mathematics and Physics is a friendly and supportive community of academics, researchers, support staff and students.

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Daniel Georg Thomas Portrait

Professor Daniel Thomas

Head of School

School of Mathematics and Physics

Faculty of Technology

PhD Supervisor

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Hooshyar Assadullahi Portrait

Dr Hooshyar Assadullahi

Associate Head (Curriculum - Physics)

School of Mathematics and Physics

Faculty of Technology

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Andrew David Burbanks Portrait

Dr Andrew Burbanks

Associate Head (Research and Innovation)

School of Mathematics and Physics

Faculty of Technology

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Thomas Waters Portrait

Dr Thomas Waters

Associate Head (Curriculum - Mathematics)

School of Mathematics and Physics

Faculty of Technology

PhD Supervisor

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Explore our faculty

Explore the other Schools and Departments that make up the Faculty of Technology.

School of Civil Engineering and Surveying

Explore the School of Civil Engineering and Surveying at the University of 1024ºË¹¤³§, and learn more about the teaching and research activities taking place within the School.

Female civil engineering student at building site
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School of Computing

Learn more about the School of Computing at the University of 1024ºË¹¤³§, and explore the teaching and research activities taking place within the School.

Degree apprenticeship student in a meeting
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School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering

Find out more about the School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering at the University of 1024ºË¹¤³§, and explore the teaching and research activities taking place within the School

Electronic engineering student holding project
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Faculty of Technology

Find out more about the Faculty of Technology at the University of 1024ºË¹¤³§, and explore the teaching and research activities that place within the Faculty's various schools and institutes.

Student holding a robot
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Contact us

To get in touch, please contact our Faculty office.

+44 (0)23 9284 2993