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Film and Television Production and Post-Production portfolio guide
How to put together a creative portfolio for your course
You'll need to read this guide if you're applying for any of the following courses:
We expect to see your digital portfolio when you apply for this course.
Use the guidance below to find out what you need to include in your portfolio, depending on when you want to start your course.
Year 1 entry
You can apply to start studying in year 1 (Level 4) for BA (Hons) Film Production, or BA (Hons) Post-production for Film and Television.
What to include in your portfolio
Based on your application, you'll be asked to demonstrate relevant knowledge and/or experience in media/film production. This could form part of a formal course of study, evening class, or produced independently under your own initiative.
This could include one or two individual examples of films you’ve worked on. Make sure each clip is accompanied by a clear statement of how you personally contributed to the project, your technical or creative role in each example, and how you feel it developed your understanding of the technical and theoretical aspects of film production.
Year 2 or 3 direct entry — BA (Hons) Film Production only
You can apply to start studying in year 2 or 3 (Level 5 or 6) for BA (Hons) Film Production.
What to include in your portfolio
You can submit showreel material produced as part of a formal course of study, evening class, or produced independently under your own initiative.
Your showreel
Submit your best showreel material. Up to 4 individual examples of other films that you’ve also worked on can also be uploaded.
Make sure each clip is accompanied by a clear statement of how you personally contributed to the project, your technical or creative role in each example, and how you feel it developed your understanding of the technical and theoretical aspects of film production.
Your production skills
We expect to see various fiction and non-fiction film production skills demonstrated. Typical craft skills to highlight might include:
- script writing and development
- storyboards
- camera operation
- lighting
- sound recording
- editing
You can also evidence other pre- and post-production roles such as:
- research
- project management
- sound design
- visual effects
- marketing
We expect students applying for entry into the final year of the course to have experience with Avid. Please include a statement outlining this with your portfolio.
What we're looking for
Your filmmaking passion
We look for:
- proof of an enquiring mind
- evidence of creative collaboration
- the ability to reason, analyse and problem-solve
- the desire to share unique perspectives through the film medium
Submitted work should clearly demonstrate your experience and understanding of digital film production, as well as be convincing evidence of your growing passion for filmmaking. Above all, it will clearly demonstrate your originality, ability and development potential.
Always bear in mind that we place a high value on original thinking, creative flair and intelligent filmmaking.

After you apply for an undergraduate course
Once you've applied for university, there's still lots you can do while you wait for a decision on your application.