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BSc (Hons) Music Technology portfolio guide
How to put together a portfolio for your course
Digital portfolios only are expected for this course.
What to include in your portfolio
You should submit a document with URL links to 3-5 pieces of work showcasing your abilities. These can be:
- pieces of music you’ve composed
- pieces of music you’ve recorded/produced/mixed in a studio
- live recordings you’ve been involved in
- music or sound design you’ve created for other media (such as films and games among others)
- any examples of software development (where appropriate)
The links can be to Google Drive, Soundcloud, Bandcamp, Youtube or other hosts, but ensure these can be accessed.
Please include a brief description of each of the pieces, with discussion of the techniques and processes you used and a short supporting rationale.
You can also submit an example of relevant written work on an aspect of Music Technology as an element of the portfolio, such as an essay or report you’ve written as part of a course
What we’re looking for
We want your portfolio to demonstrate your:
- musicality through composition or performance
- ability to express your creative ideas and process
- skills and technical ability using music technology for creative projects
- enthusiasm and excitement for the subject area
- any experience of using programming environments and/or languages (where applicable)
You should select a range of your highest quality work that demonstrates your capabilities. We acknowledge that all students will have varied musical backgrounds and interests, and there are no restrictions regarding musical style or genre.

After you apply for an undergraduate course
Once you've applied for university, there's still lots you can do while you wait for a decision on your application.