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BSc (Hons) Computer Animation and Visual Effects portfolio guide
How to put together a creative portfolio for your course
You’ll need this guide if you are applying for direct entry (transfer) into the second or final year of the course. Digital portfolios only are expected for this course.
What should I include?
We would like to see a range of examples of computer animation art. This should include visual effects,3D or 2D animation projects (we primarily focus on 3D and VFX), such as character modelling and sculpting, character development, texture and lighting models, short animations, examples of post-production and visual effects, and graphic novels.
You should aim to submit ten static images and a maximum of four 30-second animations
What to include in your portfolio
A short description with each piece of work
- If the work was produced in response to a brief, please indicate what the brief asked you to do.
- Please include images that relate directly to one of your computer animation examples of finished work. This should show your design process and your working methodologies. For example, idea generation, design planning, visual experiments, sketches, observations and research into designers and artists.
Images from your sketchbooks and sheets of developmental work
- Your drawing ability is also important, so try to demonstrate your ability to create freehand drawing, life drawing and observational drawing that employs a range of different mediums (such as pastel, gouache, charcoal and pencil).
Photographs of any 3D projects (such as sculpture, ceramics or model making)
- It's also extremely useful to have worked on storyboard ideas or anything that is sequence based and tells a story.
Five examples of visual research and development of ideas
- These should evidence storyboard development, mood boards, visual experimentation, sketches, research into artists/designers and observations with accompanying notes reflecting on your development.
- Please add a short description with each image.
What are we looking for?
We are looking for your portfolio to demonstrate your:
- Understanding of computer animation as a subject and its wider social and global context
- Ability to express your creative process and decision making
- Ability to reflect on what is, and is not, successful about your work
- Interest in historical and contemporary visual culture
- Enthusiasm and commitment to study computer animation both technically and artistically
- Experience of 3D animation and VFX, character modelling, character development, texture and lighting models, drawing, visual research and storytelling is essential, as well as evidence that demonstrates that you have learnt the technical and theoretical aspects of computer animation production.
You'll also need initiative, creative air and an ability to learn in a creative environment.
Your portfolio should demonstrate evidence of:
- Original idea generation
- Conceptual development experimental work
- A good level of technical ability (both analogue and digital)
- An ability to select and present a range of work to a professional standard

After you apply for an undergraduate course
Once you've applied for university, there's still lots you can do while you wait for a decision on your application.
Contact us
Any questions? Any questions? Contact the University Admissions Centre.
Phone: +44 (0)23 9284 5566