Health informatics research
Find out more about our research in clinical outcome modelling, digital wellbeing, applied health informatics and cross reality applications
This is a challenging time for the health and social care sectors. Lifestyles are changing, the population is ageing and people are living longer – often with multiple health conditions. We're easing the pressure on health and social care by pushing the boundaries of how information technology can help people live longer, happier and healthier lives.
Through our research, we improve the design of computer systems and wellbeing services to make the delivery of healthcare more efficient and cost-effective, we help health and care providers use data more wisely saving time and improving accuracy of clinical decisions, and we inform new standards and techniques for treatment and care.
Our research shows how technology can influence lifestyle choices, reduce health risks, improve wellbeing and help developing countries find affordable ways to address health priorities.
Our researchers' expertise spans mathematical and computer modelling, data analysis, Artificial Intelligence, and virtual and augmented reality. Several of our researchers have substantial practical experience in Information Technology in the National Health Service (NHS). We have strong ties to professional bodies such as the British Computer Society Health & Care (BCS) which influence sector agenda and national policies, and to global networks and international associations such as the European Federation of Medical Informatics (EFMI) and the International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA).
Our research is informed by patient and community groups, and strengthened by collaboration with NHS Trusts and other universities including the University of Oxford and the University of Southampton. We work closely with industrial partners who use our research to develop improved systems, products and services.
Our Health Informatics areas of expertise
Find out more about the facilities and research methods that shape our Health Informatics research by exploring the areas of expertise below. Learn about our recent projects, the academic and industrial partners with whom we collaborate, and the major funders who fund our work.
Applied Health Informatics
We're researching the effective design and use of IT in health and social care to improve how practitioners communicate with patients and to promote patient wellbeing

Clinical Outcome Modelling
We're developing and evaluating mathematical and computer models, and collaborating with the NHS, to help make accurate healthcare predictions using health data science. Explore our clinical outcome modelling research.

Ambient Assisted Living
We're exploring the use of technology in people’s daily lives to promote independence and wellbeing

Research groups
Centre for Healthcare Modelling and Informatics
We're working to develop technology that makes work more efficient for the organisations that form the National Health Service (NHS).
Interested in a PhD in Health Informatics?
Browse our postgraduate research degrees – including PhDs and MPhils – at our Health Informatics postgraduate research degrees page.