Learning from the Earth’s past
Explore our research in crustal evolution, tectonics, palaeontology, environmental change, and applied geoscience
We study the history of our planet and the evolution of life, from Earth’s earliest beginnings to the present day. Our expertise spans from global tectonics, volcanism, and planetary geology to palaeontology, climate change and engineering geology.
We use our findings to predict how the Earth may change in the future, to better understand natural hazards, and to determine how the Earth’s resources can be used sustainably.
Research groups and centres
Explore the work our research groups are doing in this area, and learn more about our recent projects, the academic and industrial partners we're collaborating with, and who our major funders are.
Crustal Evolution and Tectonics Research Group
We're addressing fundamental questions about the Earth's systems, such as when plate tectonics began operating and how changes in the style and rate of plate movement can be documented through time.

Palaeontology and Environmental Change Research Group
We're exploring how fossil records can help us understand past climates and environments, and effectively predict and model climate change and its impact on the Earth’s ecosystems.

Centre for Applied Geosciences
At the Centre for Applied Geosciences, we're investigating natural and manmade hazards and geo-heritage conservation.

Research facilities
Our research is supported by a range of specialist facilities used by staff and students. We also work regularly with visiting researchers and industries from around the world.
Electron Microscopy and Microanalysis Unit
Gain expertise in high-magnification imaging and analysis of the chemical and physical structure of natural and manufactured materials.

Mass Spectrometry and Laser Ablation Laboratory
Investigate the geological and planetary processes that influence environment change and natural resource formation in this lab, using our industry standard spectrometers and laser ablation system.

Rock Mechanics Laboratory
Measure the strength and elasticity of minerals and rocks under simulated geological stress conditions using high-pressure hydraulic apparatus in this lab, and explore properties including fluid-flow permeability, rock and joint friction, and induced seismicity.

Palaeontology and Advanced Microscopy Laboratories
Examine rock, mineral and fossil specimens using the specialist kit in these labs, such as transmitted light, polarising and scanning electron microscopes, and explore processes including acid digestion, air abrasion and microfossil extraction.

Geotechnics Laboratory
Our Geotechnics Laboratory – or Soils Lab – has equipment for analysing fine- and coarse-grained soils.

GIS and Remote Sensing Laboratory
Discover more about the planet's physical structures and scientific processes, such as glaciers and coastal flooding, using drone data, aerial and satellite remote sensing and geographic information systems.