Daniella's placement helped her become more decisive, independent and confident in her own abilities
Due to Covid-19, I lost my original placement and was left tight for time to secure myself a new position. But with the help and guidance of my family and my personal tutor I was able to get in contact with Monex Europe, who just so happened to be looking for someone like me.
My family was really helpful throughout my search for a new placement and one of my tutors was especially supportive. For my placement I was working at Monex Europe as a KYC (Know Your Customer) administrator within the compliance department. I think reaching out to a company who weren't necessarily looking for a university student at the time showed great initiative and creativity, especially during the pandemic when there was a shortage of internships.
I would say I’ve learnt how to be confident in myself and the work that I produce. Being in a situation where making mistakes could impact the company massively I became more decisive, independent and confident in my own abilities.
Daniella Faulkner, BA Business and Management
Feeling prepared
Teamwork, communication and resilience (the main things I learnt through university) assisted my growth throughout the placement. I’ve learnt on the job that these are some of the key things needed within my role in order to ensure an efficient and productive role within the team.
Throughout University we undertake many team-based projects and it’s these that have helped me. Adapting my approach and practicing my skills in a learning environment really aided me in the workplace.
Learning through doing
My main role was to help migrate post-Brexit business within their new Luxembourg entity. I was trusted to go to Luxembourg with my co-worker to begin the final part of the migration project after only a couple of weeks of training. This included contacting all of the clients we needed to migrate, reviewing documentation we received back from clients so they were up to Luxembourg standards and being responsible for keeping track of the progress of client completion.
During the on-boarding process I was left with sole responsibility for performing due-diligence and risk analysis on some new clients and ensuring we complied with our internal policy and anti money-laundering regulations.
I felt really proud to have so much responsibility within this team, it gave me a massive boost of confidence in my abilities.