Want an expert opinion on a story? Our press officers can put you in touch with the right person. Get in touch below or read our latest news.

How to contact our media team

Telephone: +44 (0)23 9284 2728 (8:30am-5:30pm)
Email: pressoffice@port.ac.uk

For urgent, out-of-hours media enquiries, call +44 (0)79 8041 9979

Non-media enquiries

If you have a non-media related enquiry, call us on +44 (0)23 9284 8484 (switchboard) or email info@port.ac.uk.

For all other contact information, see our 'Contact us' page.

Key contacts

Robyn Montague, Senior PR and Media Manager

+44 (0)7980 419 979

Cathy Banks, Senior Corporate Communications Manager

+44 (0)23 9284 5760

Promoting your research in the media

Communicating research findings to audiences beyond academia is essential to impact generation. Carefully planned media engagement can raise the profile of your research, engage audiences, change public opinion and influence change.

The University’s media and communications team can provide advice on promoting your research in the media or producing an article for publication in . The team produces and distributes a wide range of media content including press releases, media pitches, blogs, podcasts and social media videos, and takes a proactive approach to promoting its research and researchers through local, national and international media. 

All of these activities have been supported by our Press and Media team who provide dedicated media training to academics enabling them to engage with high-profile media. Being taught how to handle interviews and practising those skills is the surest way to improve both the result and alleviate much of the anxiety many people suffer when engaging with the media.

If you would like to talk to the Press and Media team about promoting your research, writing for The Conversation or to sign up for media training, please contact the team at pressoffice@port.ac.uk.

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