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Student exchanges
Study abroad and exchange partnerships
A student exchange is where a student spends part of their course at a partner institution. They can choose to do this or they may be required to do so for their course.
Student exchanges are usually on a 1-for-1 basis and for a single teaching block or academic year. Tuition fees are paid to the student's home institution.
Studying abroad as part of a degree can help a student's CV stand out from other graduates, so when they apply for jobs or further study after graduation, their experience abroad could improve their chances of finding a great job.
We have agreements in place with partner institutions in places such as Australia, Brazil, Japan and the United States. Read our 'Study and Work Abroad' page for more details, including a list of all our current partners.
International Student Exchange partnerships are different to The Erasmus+ programme. These are covered by the Erasmus Charter, managed by the Exchanges Team and supported by the global office.
Erasmus+ is the European Commission's programme for higher education students, teachers and institutions. It forms part of the European Union's Lifelong Learning Programme and allows students and staff to study or work in one of the participating countries.