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Learn about our work with looked-after children and care leavers
If you've spent time in care, we can offer you extra support before, during and after your studies. Financial support, personal tutoring and a guaranteed place in halls are just a few of the ways that we can help you.
We're committed to supporting care leavers so we've signed up to the Department for Education's - an initiative to improve support to young people aged 16-25 leaving care.
Financial support
We can give you extra support with your application and throughout your time here if you're a care leaver. If you're eligible, you'll get:
- a Care Leaver Bursary of £1,700 per year that you don't need to pay back
- a personal support finance advisor, who'll guide you pre-entry and while you're at university
As a care leaver, you're guaranteed a place in our halls of residence for three years and for the full 52-week year, should you need it. Find out more about our accommodation.
Other benefits
In addition to the above, our Care Leaver Covenant offers a designated web page outlining the financial and housing support available to care leavers.
What our students say
"I would encourage other care leavers to consider university as an option. There’s no need to be worried about any stigma. Staff across the University are friendly, experienced and knowledgeable – and everything you tell them is confidential."
"The support I receive means that I can focus on my studies – it has made everything a lot easier. The additional money I get from the Care Leavers Bursary means that I won’t go without, so I can continue with my studies. As a care leaver, I would say that the help is definitely there if you want to go to university – finances shouldn’t be an obstacle. The support I have received has been great."
"One of my biggest worries was not having money in place if there was an emergency. The Care Leavers Bursary enabled me to buy a laptop and study materials, and I was also able to attend a compulsory field trip to Barcelona. I worked during my first and second year, but in my third year I used the bursary to live on, so I could concentrate on my studies. It meant that I didn't miss out or feel vulnerable. Without it I would be worried about money and would certainly have to work more hours."