Dr Shynar Dyussembayeva
Research interests
My research interest revolves around consumer decision-making, service marketing and consumer behaviour within tourism and hospitality context. My recent work has appeared in journals like the International Journal of Hospitality Management and Journal of Business Research.
Methodologically, I enjoy both quantitative studies and conducting field experiments. My approach is interdisciplinary, drawing on marketing, hospitality, and psychology.
I am interested in supervising new doctoral students doing work close to the above-indicated areas.
Teaching responsibilities
I teach consumer behaviour and analytics and digital marketing strategy at PG level; marketing research project and introduction to digital marketing at UG level.
Research outputs
Dyussembayeva, S., Nassar, M. A. R. M., Untilov, O., Vecchietti, G., Viglia, G.
29 Jan 2025, In: International Journal of Hospitality Management. 127, 7p., 104120