Professor Raymond Lee
I am the Associate Dean (Global Engagement) of the Faculty of Technology, and also the Chair of the Biomedical Engineering Research Group. I am responsible for international student recruitment, developing strategic international partnerships, transnational education, and developing research and technology transfer work related to healthcare technology, ageing, spine biomechanics and motion studies using inertial sensors.
I am currently involved in developing academic partnerships and collaborations with universities, commercial companies and government agencies in various countries, including China, Malaysia and Vietnam. Funds have been secured from external sources such as the British Councils to support such work.
Recently, I have developed a new method of quantifying the mechanical loading on the body during everyday activities. Most commercial devices or mobile phone apps only counts steps that people take everyday, and is unable to quantify mechanical loading which is important for musculoskeletal health. It has been shown that the new algorithm is related to bone and muscle strength, and may be used to promote physical activity. (Bone 2014, 67:41-45)
I have held various senior academic appointments in the UK and overseas. My previous academic work has enabled me to develop global connections and experience.
I received my PhD in Bioengineering from the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, which was funded by the British Council Fellowship. I also won the Association of Commonwealth Universities Development Fellowship which allowed me to undertake research at King’s College London.
I have been invited to serve as panel members for research funding bodies (for example, Arthritis Research UK, and Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal) and to act as external members of exteranl professorial conferment panels.
I am a member of the Board of Governors of the University College of Osteopathy.
Research interests
My research lies at the interface of engineering and clinical science. I have specific interests in spine biomechanics, ageing and osteoporosis, using engineering methods to study the mechanisms underlying spine disorders and to quantify clinical outcomes. I have been involved in the development of healthcare technologies for fall detection in the elderly, physical activity monitoring, and assessment of spine posture. My current work looks at the relation between obesity and the risks of fractures, and how exercise and mechanical loading may influence musculoskeletal health in the older people.
Media availability
I am happy to take calls and emails from media on my research, and am aware of the need to
respond to journalists in a timely manner. These should be directed to raymond.lee@port.ac.uk / 023 9284 2551.
Interested journalists can also contact the University's Media and Communications team for support
and advice on all media engagement, including out of hours.
Research outputs
Lee, R., Pani, M., Safavian, N., Toh, S. K.
11 Mar 2024, In: Surgical Endoscopy