Professor Paul Trott
I am Professor of Innovation Management at the Faculty of Business and Law. I am also Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the Technical University of Delft, The Netherlands. My research explores innovation policy and how firms manage innovation. I have raised over £500,000 in research funding. Recently, I was Principal Investigator of a study exploring product development opportunities for a firm manufacturing Uninterruptible Power Systems (UPS) in the UK. One of my research projects helped a steel tube manufacturing firm in the UK develop a new product range to help it diversify its very narrow customer base.
I have taught at many different universities around the world including T.U. Munich, Germany, T.U. Delft, The Netherlands, North Carolina, USA. I have successfully supervised over ten PhD research projects. I hold a PhD from Cranfield University.
Research interests
I have published over fifty articles on innovation management. My work has been published in many different journals including: R&D Management, Technovation, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, Journal of Marketing Theory, International Journal of Innovation Management. My book; Innovation Management & New Product Development is now in its 5th edition and is used all over the world.
Research outputs
Baxter, D., Ellwood, P., Trott, P.
30 May 2024, In: IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 71, 13p.
Marzi, G., Trott, P., Van Der Duin, P.
2 May 2024, In: Strategic Change. 33, 3, p. 187-200
Ortt, R., Trott, P., Van Der Duin, P.
1 Jan 2024, In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 198, 8p., 122927