Miss Michelle McDermott
Prior to joining the Institute of Criminal Justice Studies in June 2019 I had a varied career spanning 18 years in the National Probation Service (NPS) and Her Majestys Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS). As a practitioner I specialised in Courts, Youth, Public Protection and Resettlement work. In the last 10 years I held Learning and Development roles with specific focus on the assessment, coaching, and mentoring of trainee probation officers and established staff. Most recently I was the Deputy Divisional Training Manager for South West South Central in NPS, with strategic responsibility for activities related to the Professional Qualification in Probation (PQIP). My last post was as the Regional Learning and Development Partner for South Central Prisons and Probation, where I was a member of the Strategic Management Board and responsible for the evaluation and commission of necessary L&D provisions.
Research interests
- Public Protection and Dangerous Offenders
- Indeterminate Sentenced Prisoners
- Probation practice, skills, and values
- Attraction, retention and attrition of Probation front line staff
- Teaching and Learning in HE
Teaching responsibilities
I am the Course Leader for Community Justice BA (hons) (Top Up), which is the academic underpinning of the PQiP. My primary teaching relates to this programme, namely Core processes of Change (desistance and rehabilitation), Critical Issues in Risk Assessment, and Public Protection.
I am also co-lead for the ICJS 'Grow Our Own Professionals' programme. In partnership with Unlocked and the National Probation Service this employment skills programme aims to increase the success of our students gaining graduate roles in the Prison and Probation Service.
Research outputs
Haggar, L., McDermott, M. J. L.
15 Jan 2025, In: The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice
Haggar, L., McDermott, M. J. L., Meenaghan, A.
27 Sep 2023, In: Probation Quarterly, 5p.
Burrell, A., McDermott, M. J. L.
26 Jul 2023, In: British Journal of Community Justice, 19p.
Haggar, L., McDermott, M. J. L.
8 Jun 2023, In: Probation Quarterly, 5p.