Michael Connolly Portrait

Dr Michael Connolly

Associate Professor in Law


PhD Supervisor

View my research outputs


I teach and supervise UG and PG students, and welcome PhD proposals in the areas of equality and discrimination law, or contract, consumer and commercial law.

I also serve on the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee of the Society of Legal Scholars, and the London Management Committee of the Commonwealth Legal Education Association.

Research interests

My principal research interest is in Discrimination and Equality law, especially the employment discrimination laws of the United Kingdom, the European Union, the United States, South Africa, Canada, and Australasia. I speak regularly on this subject in Britain and the United States. I have published many papers on the comparative discrimination law and written several books on the subject. (For some recent publications, see the 'Outputs' section.) My latest book, Equality, Discrimination, and the Law (2022, Routledge) is out now. This follows The English Judiciary, Discrimination Law and Statutory Interpretation: Easy Cases making Bad Law’ (2018, Routledge). I hope to produce a third edition of my textbook Discrimination Law (2011, Sweet & Maxwell) in due course.

Research outputs


Connolly, M.

22 Apr 2024, In: Industrial Law Journal