Professor Liza Howe-Walsh
Liza is a Full Professor in Global Leadership and is recognised internationally for her research into International Human Resources and Women’s Leadership development. She is a passionate advocate for equality, diversity and inclusion for all. As a dyslexic academic she is keenly aware of how proactive strategies to support inclusivity can be life changing.
She is a Member of the of The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, a Senior fellow of the HEA, a member of the Studies In Higher Education and Journal of Global Mobility Editorial Advisory Group as well as Guest editor for the Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, Re-imagining Global Talent Management, https://www.emerald.com/insight/publication/issn/2051-6614/vol/8/iss/4 and Gender in Management, Women Leadership: Intent to action. https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/journal/gm. She has won a number of international awards, including Emerald Best International Symposium (2014, Academy of Management, Philadelphia) and Emerald Literati Awards (2017). Liza was a finalist for the Forum for Expatriate Management, the EMEA Global Mobility award ‘Thought leadership research study of the year’ for her work into Repatriation.
Liza is the past President of the Women's Executive Leadership Team and Chair of the 6th Women and Leadership conference for the International Leadership Association (USA) hosted at the Business and Law School, the first time the conference has been held outside of North America https://ilaglobalnetwork.org/2022-women-and-leadership-conference/ And former co-chair for the University Athena Swan committee.
Liza's international experience has led to research interests into the development of leaders and in particular the development of women in leadership roles. Liza is an Aurora role model and supports several women through mentoring in the UK and Middle East within HE and broader society.
Liza gained extensive international HR management and consultancy experience, following a commercial career in International Human Resources for PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as a Global Mobility Solutions Manager as well as consulting for the University. Liza's consulting experience has included: Diversity and inclusion strategies for recruitment in Emergency services. HR strategy development within Europe, Middle East, USA and Canada. Assessing global competencies to develop future women leaders in the Middle East. Workshops to develop women's career progression in STEM.
Liza has widely published in top tier journals including, International Journal of HRM, Journal of Business Research, Journal of International Management, Journal of Global Mobility and Studies in Higher Education.
Liza's research interests have two main threads that often converge, global mobility and gender. Leading to regular guest speaker invitations including most recently:
- Invited panel member. Women's crucible leadership experiences. June 21st, 2023. Diveristy, Equity and Inclusion and Belonging. International Leadership Association, https://ilaglobalnetwork.org/diversity-equity-inclusion-and-belonging-2023/
- Invited panel member. Wise Inclusive Leadership. Global International Leadership Conference. October 15th Washington 2022.
- Invited speaker. International Perspective: Is Leadership a level playing field. January 8th 2021 Salisbury, USA. Peer2peer group.
- Invited speaker. Challenges to Gender Parity in STEM: Driving forward solutions. UK-Russian Alliance Moscow 17th of December 2020.
- Invited plenary speaker. . Santa Cruz, June 2019.
- Invited speaker. Repatriation and (perceived) organisation support. Newcastle Business School. 27th March 2019.
- Invited convener. Building the pipeline. Hosted by Working mums network, London, September 13th 2018.
- Creativity in the Curriculum, Empowering women in society. Gulf Education advisory group for the second women’s conference April 18th – 20th, 2018, Bahrain, Royal University of Women.
- Invited plenary speaker. Athena Swan Challenges and Opportunities, Professional Managers' Annual Conference - hosted by Chartered ABS. Liverpool, December 12th 2017.
Liza has nine Doctoral completions.
Research interests
Global Leadership, International Human Resources, HR policy and practice, Gender.
Research outputs
Ammari, S., Howe-Walsh, L.
20 Jan 2025, In: Studies in Higher Education, 17p.