Ms Katherine Munden
Research interests
My research interests broadly lie within the Sociology of Culture, I am interested in why we like the things we like and what kind of social and economic factors contribute to the every day choices we make and the ways in which we construct and re construct our identities.
My PhD research focusses on the contemporary British wedding, a wedding is one of the most public and proud displays of taste there is. I am exploring the often prickly relationship between taste and class and whether these distinctions remain steadfast during times of crisis.
I have worked on projects relating to food insecurity and food bank use as well as homelessness and remain engaged with these areas of research.
I also have an interest in the sociology of 'home', which is something I am developing in to a specialism over time.
Teaching responsibilities
My current teaching features a mixture of both sociology and psychology. The undergraduate degree courses that you will find me contributing to are:
BSc (Hons) Sociology, BSc (Hons) Sociology with Psychology, BSc (Hons) Sociology with Criminology.
I coordinate Psychology for the Social Sciences at Level 4, Community Psychology at Level 6, Doing Sociological Research at Level 5 and Creative Research Methods in Psychology at Level 6. I am also a lecturer and personal tutor for Developing Your Sociological Imagination at Level 4 and contribute lectures to a range of undergraduate modules including Risk and Society at Level 5, Research Design and Analysis at Level 4 and Observing Society at Level 4.
At Level 7 I am a lecturer on Cultures of Production and Consumption, Identities and Inequalities and Sociological Research Methods which are all modules on the MSc Sociology.
I am also an experienced dissertation supervisor at both undergraduate and postgraduate level.