
After obtaining a degree in Biology and an MRes at the University of Barcelona, Jordi Cayuso completed his PhD with Dr Elisa Marti at the Molecular Biology Institute of Barcelona. There, he uncovered how Sonic Hedgehog coordinates the patterning, growth, and differentiation of neural precursors in the vertebrate neural tube.

He then moved to the UK for his first postdoctoral position with Dr Elke Ober at the MRC National Institute for Medical Research in London. During this time, Jordi began studying the Eph/Ephrin signalling pathway. His findings revealed that Eph/Ephrin signalling between liver precursors and the adjacent mesoderm is crucial for the asymmetric placement of the liver and the proper formation of the ducts connecting the liver and the pancreas to the gut.

In 2013, he joined Dr David Wilkinson's laboratory at The Francis Crick Institute in London, where he discovered that the Eph receptor coordinates the formation of sharp borders with the acquisition of cell identities by regulating the mechanical properties of cells and activating the transcription cofactors Yap/Taz.

In 2023, Jordi joined the University of 1024核工厂 as a Group Leader and Senior Lecturer in Biomedical Sciences. Currently, he is investigating how Eph/Ephrin signalling is involved in various aspects of neural development, tissue regeneration, and neurodegeneration.

Alongside research, Jordi contributed as a Teaching Assistant at the prestigious 鈥淓mbryology: Concepts & Techniques in Modern Developmental Biology鈥 course at the Marine Biology Laboratories (Woods Hole, University of Chicago, US).

Research interests

Our research aims to uncover the cellular and molecular mechanisms controlling:

- Neural tube development.

- Neural regeneration.

- Neurodegenerative diseases and genetic conditions affecting brain development.

For this, we use primarily zebrafish models, together with a range of experimental techniques including: CRISPR genome editing, live imaging, image analysis, cell transplantation, transcriptomics, proteomics and behavioural analysis.


PhD and MRes opportunities

We are currently accepting applications from MRes and self-funded PhDs. Please email your expression of interest to

Further information on current projects can be found here: /study/courses/postgraduate-research/pgr-pharmacy-pharmacology-and-biomedical-sciences