Dr Jason Sit
A global marketing academic who has worked at various HE institutions located in Australia and United Kingdom. Before joining UoP, I was employed as a Senior Lecturer in Retail Marketing by Bournemouth University (BU), delivering retail units (eg Retail Buying and Merchandising, and Retail Consumer Experience and Behaviour) to UG and PGT students. I was also the Programme Coordinator of the MSc Retail Management and Marketing programme at BU. My research work has been published in various international peer-reviewed journals, such as Tourism Management, Journal of Travel Research, Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, Transportation Part C, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, and International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management. My work has received excellence awards from the International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, and Colloquium on European Research in Retailing. In terms of industry background, I was employed as a marketing intern at a local shopping centre by Jones Lang LaSalle (Australia). I have also gained work experience, as a research analyst, at Coca-Cola Enterprise (UK).
Research outputs
Sit, J.
9 Dec 2024, In: The Conversation
Ekinci, Y., Sit, K. (., Wei, Y.
11 Oct 2024, In: Psychology and Marketing
Sit, J.
20 Mar 2024, In: The Conversation
Ekinci, Y., Sit, K., Wei, Y.
1 Mar 2024, In: Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 77, 12p., 103697
Sit, J.
15 Feb 2024, In: The Conversation
Sit, J.
10 Jul 2023, In: The Conversation