Dr Huijing Chen
I am a Senior Lecturer in Operations Management and hold a PhD in short-term seasonal demand forecasting. I have published in high quality journals such as European Journal of Operational Research, International Journal of Forecasting and Journal of the Operational Research Society. I have won funding from EPSRC, Innovate UK and the British Academy. I am Deputy Director of NATCOR. Previously I held lecturing positions at London Metropolitan University and the University of Salford.
Research interests
- Time series modelling, especially with estimation of seasonality;
- Predictive data analytics using Machine Learning;
- Triple-loop learning theory;
- Supply Chain learning;
- Reliability and resilience in the NHS.
Research outputs
Boylan, J. E., Chen, H., Svetunkov, I.
1 Sep 2023, In: Foresight: International Journal of Applied Forecasting. 70, 7p.