Dr Carmen Solana
I am a volcanologist specialising in hazards from effusive volcanism. I studied Geology at the Universidad Complutense in Madrid, Spain and speacialised in volcanic hazards during my PhD at The Spanish National Research Centre. My main interest is the reduction of the impact of Natural Disasters on the population, which led me to obtain the UN Diploma on the Analysis and Management of Natural Risks (University of Geneva & University of the West Indies, 1996). I have had experience on a variety of subjects, from monitoring active volcanoes to evaluating environmental impact of a landfill.
Research interests
Since 1993 I have participated in four European Projects:
- VOLCALERT (EVG-2001-00009) on forecasting volcanic eruptions
- FLOW (ENV4-CT98-0713) on the dynamics of lava flows
- EU Projects RUNOUT (ENV4-CT97-0527) on the emplacement of rapid, giant landslides
- European Laboratory Volcanoes (EV5V-CT93-0283).
Between 1999-2001 I was responsible for a DFID (British Department for International Development) project on improving volcanic warnings in the Caribbean, developing a handbook on communications during volcanic emergencies.
Dutch Relief Agency / BGHRC: Honduras and Nicaragua field survey on landslide hazard perception and possibilities of recovering after Hurricane Mitch.
Evaluation of the environmental impact of the expansion of the Arico landfill site, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.
Eruption surveillance of Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat, West Indies (Collaboration with the British Geological Survey).