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Tracing Earth and environmental processes
Location: Burnaby Building
In our Mass Spectrometry and Laser Ablation laboratory, we analyse trace elements and isotope ratios in geological, environmental, and industrial materials.
Students, researchers and external partners use this information to to geochemically fingerprint and trace a wide range of processes. These include environmental change and contamination, Earth and planetary evolution, natural resource formation, and the optimisation of industrial processes.
The laboratory primarily supports research in the Crustal Evolution and Tectonics Research Group and Environmental Processes and Impacts Research Group, and the collaborative projects we undertake with industrial and academic partners from around the world.
Explore our Mass Spectrometry and Laser Ablation Lab
- Agilent 8900 ICP-MS/MS – a high-sensitivity triple-quadrupole inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) for high-performance trace element analysis and U-Th-Pb isotope ratio measurements.
- Nu Plasma multi-collector ICP-MS – high-precision isotope ratio measurements (e.g. Sr, Lu-Hf, Sm-Nd, Pb-Pb), with an upgraded sensitivity interface to support improved laser ablation analyses
- Applied Spectra femtosecond LA-LIBS – our J200 Tandem UV-femtosecond laser ablation (LA) and laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) system enables controlled sampling of nearly all materials, and simultaneous acquisition of non-metals, major elements and other elements by LIBS. The system was funded by a NERC Capital Equipment award.
- ASI Resolution 193nm Excimer Laser Ablation System – highly versatile laser ablation system for in-situ sampling of geological materials, which can be coupled to either of our mass spectrometers
- Clean laboratory – a HEPA filtered clean laboratory used to prepare samples for trace element and isotopic analyses, fitted with 2 class-10 laminar flow hoods for chemical preparation and ion-exchange chromatography
Analytical capabilities
We conduct a wide-range of trace element and isotope ratio analyses by both laser and solution sampling techniques.
Ongoing solution measurements include:
- Trace element analysis of soils, sediments, waters, rocks, dusts and more.
- Our Agilent 8900 ICP-MS/MS offers sub part per trillion (ppt) detection for high mass elements and sub parts per billion (ppb) detection for almost all elements on the periodic table aside from C, H, N, O, F and noble gases. The collision-reaction capabilities can resolve isobaric overlaps and doubly charged interferences for challenging elements such as S, P, and Si.
- Lead isotope ratio measurements of geological materials, including ore-deposit samples
Ongoing microscale in-situ measurements by laser ablation include:
- Trace element analysis of a wide-range of minerals, including silicates, sulphides, oxides, carbonates and phosphates
- U-(Th)-Pb isotope analysis of accessory minerals, including zircon, monazite, allanite, titanite, apatite, rutile and baddeleyite
- U-Pb geochronology of carbonate minerals
- Lead isotope analysis of silicates and sulphides
- Hafnium isotope analysis of zircon
- Neodymium and strontium isotope analysis of a wide-range of minerals
- Elemental and isotopic 2D mapping
Ongoing microscale in-situ measurements by LIBS include:
- Mapping and quantification of elements that are challenging to measure by other techniques, including Li, F, C, O, N. These can be determined concurrently with femtosecond laser ablation ICP-MS analysis of trace elements and isotope ratios
- Quantification of major elements during laser ablation ICP-MS for internal standardisation
Contact us
For research enquiries, please contact Prof James Darling or Prof Craig Storey.
To hire our equipment or services, please email our Research and Innovation Services Team ris@port.ac.uk
Related facilities
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Where to find us
Mass Spectrometry and Laser Ablation Lab
Burnaby Building
Burnaby Road